
Our credentials mean we can offer our automotive customers more. More quality. More efficiency. More value for money when it comes to seeing your project complete. 

Our Credentials

As manufacturing becomes more and more competitive, Thermal Management Solutions Group has adapted to be able to offer our automotive customers more.

Modern management techniques and lean practices. Complex design solutions, consistent in quality and punctuality. A depth of engineering capability, and pricing that’s rich with value. These are our credentials.

Key Stats


Thermal Management Solutions Group is proud to have Achilles accreditation – helping organisations to identify, assess, qualify, and monitor suppliers throughout the supply chain with an aim of reducing operating costs.

Known for reliability, quality and trust, Achilles provides a wide ranging and detailed examination of compliance and improvement across all areas of a business. This ensures our clients that Thermal Management Solutions Group operates to high standards, is efficient with our products, service and delivery, and always strives to improve our overall performance.


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